Agency for water region of the Adriatic sea Mostar hosted a working meeting in Mostar (20/03/2015), which is organized jointly by the entity line ministries and institutions of the water sector in the Federation B-H, and the Serb Republic.

Water day and its marking is very important, not only manifestationally it should become a celebration at all levels in the institutions that deal with these issues. Everything we do in relation to the water would have to be sustainable as long as possible for future generations, and where there are problems we need to improve our approaches and increase willingness to respond to the phenomena of climate change.

The UN general assembly’s resolution of 22 february 1993 decided that march 22 each year is marked as world water day, and that on that day, around the world, attention is specifically drawn to the problems related to water and water resources, provided that it is celebrated every year with another motto.

This year’s World water day is celebrated under the theme “Water and Sustainable Development” which aims to once again draw attention to the importance of water, and to call the entire international public for the sustainable management of drinking water resources.

At this year’s event among others, company Regeneracija was present which shows that we’re socially responsible company and our goal is to raise public awareness for waste water treatment.

Regeneracija was present with its production program, both in the treatment of sanitary fecal waters and in the sector of purification precipitation waters.

World Water Day 2015 Mostar

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